My image-making is fueled by an intense response to the form and color of the natural world.
I work in photography because the hand of the maker can be concealed but still work powerfully at a subconscious level. I’m interested in how optics can transform a space as is it rendered into two dimensions and how that transformation can infer the photographer's state of mind and create one in the viewer.
I take a printmaker’s approach to the rendering of light and seek to take what may start as a factual statement about a place and time and make it a statement about a moment of vivid awareness.
I seek out organic forms because the human eye is attracted to the shapes and structure of living forms and connects with them in a sensual, even sexual, way.
I want a visceral reaction from my viewer – where the ideas lie in form, color and subtle twisting of perspective – below the level of language.
My goal is to have a viewer stop, look and be affected without knowing why.
© Alec Dann 2025